Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Nutrition Tips, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss Tips, Recipes for Dieters

How Celebrity Moms Lose Pregnancy Pounds – Milla Jovovich

Last year, the actress Milla Jovovich had a girl. Pregnant Jovovich put surprising 66 pounds on. “I got so huge! - complained the actress...

Day Nap for Dieters: For and Against

Dr. Dan Weiswasser, American physiologist, and Alannah DiBona, nutrition specialist, spoke about all the pros and cons of daytime sleep, as well as how...

How to Avoid Weight Gain during Holidays

Oh, how hard it is to resist the holiday dinner table temptations! What can we do to prevent the usual weight gain over the...

Sugar Substitutes Cause Weight Gain

Researchers at Purdue University’s Ingestive Behavior Research Center have compared the way artificial sweeteners (saccharin) and sugar effect health. Sugar substitutes are much sweeter...

What Makes You Like Sweets?

Wondering, why you just can’t but eat chocolate again and again, although it is bad for your figure, while you're on a diet? Or...

Are You Suffering from Food Addiction? Test Yourself

Did you know that skinny people are also suffering from food addiction? Check yourself – answer the 15 questions below to determine whether you...

Quarter of British Women Wear Plus-Size Clothes

A new study shocked British women by announcing that quarter of women wear plus-size clothes. By plus-size we mean large sizes – size 18...

New Weight Loss Tips

If you want to lose weight, make it the rule to eat in front of a mirror stark naked. Matt Roberts who is a...

Orange Juice as Sweet as Coke

UK Government’s health adviser, professor Susan Jebb, encourages people to give up drinking orange juice. It contains as much sugar as Coca-Cola does. ...

Women Diet 17 Years of Their Lifetime

Incredible as it might sound, an average woman spends a fantastic, at first glance, time period of 17 years on a diet. At least, that...

Dangerous Cotton Balls Diet Trendy Among Models

Model Bria Murphy, actor Eddie Murphy’s 23-year-old daughter, in a recent interview has confirmed the rumor that many models resort to a radical cotton...

Sleeping Naked Promotes Weight Loss

It turns out that sleeping naked is very beneficial for health. Such sleep is useful for both the physical and psychological state of the...