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Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Nutrition Tips, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss Tips, Recipes for Dieters

12 New Weight Loss Tricks

These tricks are for those who do not want to reduce portion sizes and to count the calories. Try and follow the new tips...

Day Nap for Dieters: For and Against

Dr. Dan Weiswasser, American physiologist, and Alannah DiBona, nutrition specialist, spoke about all the pros and cons of daytime sleep, as well as how...

How to Make Healthy Food Tastier?

Sight plays an important role in the process of food perception and even digestion. It is proved not only by scientists, but by life...
overweight, plus size

Gastric Bypass Surgery Inefficient

Gastric bypass surgery is the most radical and effective way to fight obesity, but it does not give an absolute effect. For example, this...

Fat Burning Cream Created

Fat burning cream that has been the subject of science fiction books and films for a long time, acquired its real outlook. The first...

Sleep in Darkness to Shed Excess Weight

The people, who do not sleep in darkness, can face the problem of obesity. At the same time, these people can exercise regularly and...

Female Celebs Prefer Unhealthy Food?

The nutritionist Carina Norris has commented on a random selection of products by the famous beauties who were unexpectedly noticed eating in public places....

Cold Food Impairs Metabolism and Promotes Obesity

As early as in the 60’s Russian doctors discovered that the time food stays in our stomach depends on its temperature. Warm food is...

A Smart Trick to Eat Less

According to the Dutch researchers, the flavor of the dish and the texture of the product affect how much a person can eat. If you...

7 Easy & Painless Weight Loss Tips

Painless weight loss? If you sweat desperately at workouts and do not allow yourself to eat your favorite high-calorie treat, it may seem somewhat...

How to Lose Weight if You Have a Desk Job

If you go to work every day to sit down at your desk and spend hours on end in this fashion – whether you...

Obese People Won't Lose Weight if Bullied

Obese people are less likely to succeed in weight loss if the people around them are bullying and criticizing them, according to a new...