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Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Nutrition Tips, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss Tips, Recipes for Dieters

Can’t Lose Weight? Blame It on the Weather!

British dieticians claim that the lack of vitamin D, which the body produces from sunlight, prevents us from losing excessive weight. They are convinced...

Does Criticizing Your Partner Help Them to Drop Weight?

Do you want to lose weight? Marry a nagging woman who would dislike your excess weight! American scientists claim so after a study on...

Twitter Diet

Weight loss is easier for those who use social networks. How come?

Gastric Condom Developed

An internal condom has nothing to do with contraception. The novelty is designed to reduce the absorption of nutrients in small intestine, thus promoting...

Run on Tiptoes to Get Slim

Researchers at the Harvard University discovered natural mechanisms responsible for gaining extra weight in women. It turned out women get bigger because they move...

Celebs Lose Weight with Green Coffee Pills

Demi Moore, Katy Perry, Jennifer Lopez are not afraid of taking new pills, despite the fact that doctors warn them of the unpleasant side...

Anorexia Nervosa Information & Treatment

Eating disorders those days grow to extend of a real epidemic, especially among young females trying to imitate their celebrity idols. Anorexia nervosa is...

DNA Based Weight Loss Diet Is the Most Efficient One

If you really want to wear your old jeans, then you need to stick to a genetic diet. Canadian scientists have found that personalized...

Ice Cream and Slimming Diet

How can you resist an ice-cream! Especially in summer, when you want to enjoy something refreshing and tasty. Judging by myself, it’s often impossible....

Woman’s Body Beauty Idea Transformation throughout History

We are constantly arguing about how our bodies should look. We are told that we must love ourselves for who we are; we are...

Sticking to Healthy Diet Causes Weight Gain

American nutritionists have concluded that careful calorie counting, selecting only healthy foods and avoiding artificial and semi-processed foods altogether is not an ideal way...

7 Easy & Painless Weight Loss Tips

Painless weight loss? If you sweat desperately at workouts and do not allow yourself to eat your favorite high-calorie treat, it may seem somewhat...