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Love, Sex & Relationships Tips for Women, Family Happiness

How To Get Over Being Ghosted?

Like real ghosts, live people can appear out of the blue and vanish without a trace. If you are in some kind of a...

Women Underestimate Men

Six out of ten British men say their wives and partners play down the contribution they put in doing household chores, Daily Mail reports....

7 Reasons to Move in Together before Getting Married

At some point of the relationship the question may arise whether to arrange for living together after the big day or move in together...

10 Pre-Sex Thoughts That Occur to Men

As a couple comes round to their most intimate moment, making the beast with two backs, they feel more vulnerable than in most other...

Happy Marriage – Good Sleep

Happily married women suffer from sleeplessness and other sleep problems much more seldom, than those women, who experience problems in marriage. This has been...

Joint vs. Separate Finances after Marriage: Pros & Cons

There was a time when merging finances was a common aftermath of a marriage: the newlyweds just opened a joint bank account, had shared...

8 Phrases of a Truly Self-Confident Person

Learn not only to seem self-confident but also to be such a person, working to improve your self-esteem. In dealing with other people, everyone...

The Japanese Refuse Having Sex

Young Japanese are increasingly refusing to have sex and prefer having virtual girlfriends, rather than real ones. This trend becomes threatening throughout the country. Only...

The Dummies Guide to Online Dating

With the stigma on online dating long gone, more people are becoming more interested in the activity. In fact, a recent study by the...

Breaking 12 Myths about Condoms

Mature relationships imply taking care of each other’s health including the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Despite the existence of a large quantity of...

5 Amazing Sex Tips for Married Couples

When people get married, divorce is usually not the end goal. But there are more than 750,000 divorces every year in the United States. Several...

The Effect of Widowhood

Australian scientists have found that the death of a loved one or a spouse often leads to death, - the journal Health wrote. Typically,...