
Love, Sex & Relationships Tips for Women, Family Happiness

How Many Sexual Partners Do We Need?

How many lovers have you had? A kind of question that never gets boring, right? One brags about it, exaggerating the number of lovers,...

How to Learn to Forgive Others?

Sensitivity is not the most useful quality, especially if you want to achieve success in any walk of life. How can you stop being...

5 Kinds of Crisis That Often Lead to Divorce

A crisis is a tipping point in any relationship. Critical moments don’t just happen. You need a "traumatic" factor. We have counted five. Although you...

10 Myths Destroying Your Relationship

We tend to think that you should always blame two for a quarrel. Psychologists believe that there are much more initiators: myths destroying the...

5 Kinds of Women Feared By Men

Italian psychologists have looked at the kinds of women that men are afraid of the most. They carried out a large scale poll involving...

Men Find it More Difficult to Apologize

Canadian scientists conducted a curious experiment to find out how different are the abilities of recognizing one's guilt in men and women. This was...

6 Tips on How to Resolve an Argument with Your Spouse

No matter how heart-to-heart you are living together, you will hardly be able to get past arguments. Now and then they do break out,...

5 Tips on How to Become a Perfect Lover

What makes a woman a perfect lover? Is it just variety in bed or more? Find out how to be the best lover for your man.

Breaking 12 Myths about Condoms

Mature relationships imply taking care of each other’s health including the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Despite the existence of a large quantity of...

Woman’s Earnings Affect Man’s Erection

The higher the wife's earnings are in comparison with the husband's income, the more problems with erection he has. Women Earn More and More In recent...

High heels Boost Sex Life

Do you wear high heels? As for me, I do it very often. High heels make short women look higher and their legs appear...

Why Might a Guy Not Want Sex with You?

They kissed, but not very passionately. They held hands but then went home. The woman hinted that she was ready for more, but the...