Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Nutrition Tips, Healthy Diet, Weight Loss Tips, Recipes for Dieters

Diets End up in Weight Gain

According to a new British study, about a third of the women, who try to lose weight through diet, in contrast, gain about three...

How to Lose Weight Easily

Reducing caloric intake at the expense of fatty foods and sweets is one of the best ways to make your waist slimmer. The only...

7 Easy & Painless Weight Loss Tips

Painless weight loss? If you sweat desperately at workouts and do not allow yourself to eat your favorite high-calorie treat, it may seem somewhat...

3 Diets Approved by Doctors

How to lose weight in a healthy way? Is there any "right" diet, approved by dietitians? 1. Low-Calorie Diet Its essence is the therapeutic diet for...

Weekends Dangerous for Dieters

Weekends are a nightmare for dieters. As researchers have found out, on Saturday and Sunday we consume half of the calories eaten for 5...

Monotonous Diets Help Lose Weight

Those who want to improve the figure with the help of nutrition have already heard that varied foods should be at the basis of...

5 Reasons behind Sugar Cravings

Uncontrolled consumption of sweets can cause not only the appearance of extra kilos, but serious health problems as well. Doctors explain why we cannot...

BMI Means Nothing for Your Weight Norm

The Perelman School of Medicine claims that the body mass index can not be used as a criterion for weight norm. Experts explain that this...

4 Reasons Why Women Gain Weight after Marriage

Why do yesterday’s brides, instead of mini-dresses, fit only in mini-vans when they gain extra weight after the wedding? For example, because they... 1. Prepare...

How to Avoid Weight Gain after Giving up Smoking

Why do we gain weight when we give up smoking? Is it possible to quit smoking and stay slim? The cause of weight gain after...

Obese People Won't Lose Weight if Bullied

Obese people are less likely to succeed in weight loss if the people around them are bullying and criticizing them, according to a new...

Weight Loss Wines Getting Trendy

There has been a rapid development of weight loss wine industry in recent years. Due to the fact that 20% of the Americans stick to...