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Diseases Treatment Tips, Health News, Home Remedies for Your Health

4 Unexpected Ways to Treat Acne

Acne can seem like a never-ending battle for those who have it. Unlike other skin blemishes, you usually can’t hide it with clothing. Of...

How to Deal with Male Menopause?

Understanding the characteristics of both female and male physiology is an important nuance that concerns the couple's reproductive potential and mutual satisfaction in the...

The Truth about Aging and Metabolism

For so many years we believed that we gain weight "with time rather than because of cutlets", meaning that the older we get (especially,...

How to Books Your Immunity? Eat These Foods Rich in Zinc

For a long time, zinc was considered a minor trace element, and only recently has its role in vital body processes become apparent, as...

How to Maintain Good Eyesight?

Nowadays we rarely look at the sky, trees, or any real objects around us. Most of the daytime, our eyes look at computer monitors...

Foods to Eat When Stressed

We have collected 10 healthy foods that are especially indicated for people to eat when stressed. Thanks to their special composition, they will help...

Habits for Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

The brain should be taken care of in the same way as other organs of the body. However, people are most often very worried...

How to Learn to Stay Calm under Pressure

Now and then all of us come across situations which are way above usual everyday pressure. We feel that stakes are too high for...

Non-Obvious Signs of Mental Disorders

Many psychiatrists and psychologists note the following pattern: the pace of a person's life has changed so much in recent decades that the nervous...

Non-Obvious Signs of a Weak Immunity

The main function of immunity is to identify and eliminate changes in the internal environment of the body. It is due to this ability...

Foods That Reduce Water Retention

Everyone knows perfectly well which foods cause swelling and water retention. But which could reduce them? So we decided to make up a list...

Fast Food: How to Eat out Healthy?

Eating right in a restaurant or cafe is not an easy task. Asking the waiter about the calorie content and ingredients of each dish...