What Is Pansexuality?
Scientific experts speak about the emergence of another sexual orientation in the world of the 21st century. Experts point out that in recent years...
Men Look in the Mirror Much More Often Than Women
It is believed that women devote most time to their appearance, since it is related to the use of cosmetics and traditions. However, the...
Women’s Waists Have Expanded over the Last 12 Years
We are all aware that the past quarter of the century brought about a broadening of American waistline, but we could do with some...
American Living Barbie Wants another Boob Job
The American woman, who calls herself a "living Barbie", wants to go through another breast augmentation. She now has one of the most magnificent...
Ovulation Makes Women Buy More
During ovulation, women make the largest number of purchases in stores. This conclusion was reached by American scientists from the University of Texas.
US researchers...
Strong & Muscular Are the New Skinny
Forget about excessive thinness. Women who exercise with barbells and dumbbells are now considered attractive among men. Such famous fitness fanatics like Cameron Diaz...
Skirt Club for Women Only
In Britain, there is the only sex club for women in the country, which is actively working and where men are not allowed. This...
Where Do The Fattest European Women Live?
The title of the fattest girls in Europe can go to young residents of Britain, although for them this achievement is very doubtful. In...
Cheating Is Genetic
Scientists have figured out that infidelity in men has a genetic nature: a son of a cheating father will have extramarital affairs with a...
Why Do We Cry When Happy?
In the minds of most of us, crying is often associated with some sad moments in life, but it can also be an expression...
Each Third Person on Earth Overweight
Currently, every third inhabitant of the Earth is overweight, and by 2030 every second person will suffer from it. Such a frightening conclusion was...
Woman Contracts HIV through Manicure
American doctors have reported about a girl who contracted the HIV virus through the use of instruments for manicure. Experts call this case extremely...