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Vogue Turns 120

The September issue of the American Vogue will be released with Lady Gaga on the cover. September is a special month for Vogue, and...

Lost Sleep Can't Be Compensated at the Weekends

If you are used to not getting enough sleep on weekdays and working like a horse, you probably spend a great deal of time...

How Would Elizabeth I & Shakespeare Look Today?

True, famous people who belong to the past can’t be very well transported into the present, their glory and brilliance and deeds are entwined...

Career vs Love

Scientists released unpromising study results, which are directly related to the future of the daughter’s of Eve. They claim, that by the year 2026,...

The Price of Happiness Revealed

They say that happiness, like health, cannot be bought, but U.S. residents disagree. The survey showed that 94% of Americans believe happiness can be...

Ice-Cream as Stress Reliever

Eating ice-cream is a good way to manage stress, claim scientists from University of California. According to the researchers, milk and cream contain a...

Women’s Waists Have Expanded over the Last 12 Years

We are all aware that the past quarter of the century brought about a broadening of American waistline, but we could do with some...

Daily Ration Drink Created

After American programmer Rob Reinhart of Atlanta had got tired of spending time and energy on cooking and eating, the young man created a...

Music and Brain

A study conducted by American gerontologists, has shown that music education is able to maintain the sharpness of mind until the senile age. The PLOS...

Happiness Lies in Keeping Your Income Above That of the Joneses

“Money don’t mean a thing”, we all know that, it doesn’t make us happier or sadder – until we begin comparing our income with...

8 Facts Why Women Are Better Than Men

Everyone knows that men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. That is why we tend to do the same things in completely...

10 Carat Pink Diamond Sold at Sotheby's

The sale of one of the most precious lots at Sotheby's auction has recently taken place. A ring with a very rare pink diamond,...