Funny & Bizarre

Things that shocked us or made us laugh

Funeral Strippers Banned in China

There will be no more pole dance during funeral in China. This is what the Ministry of Culture of the country has taken care...

New Profession: Cuddler

Cuddling ought to take its rightful place among man’s predominant needs judging by the fact that it has become a profession – and a...

Unusual Pumpkins for Halloween

We have discovered cute unusual Jack-o'-lanterns on Instagram. Pumpkin is a unique vegetable. It can not only be cooked in lots of different ways,...

Why People Marry

Scientists have recently found, why people marry. Men and women have absolutely different reasons, but one thing is for sure – love doesn’t play...

Halloween Costume Ideas – Pregnant Zombies Pictures

Still no idea how you will look at this year's Halloween party? Try this costume idea - a pregnant zombi.

86 Years Old Granny Poses in Swimwear

A year ago, thanks to her great-granddaughter, American Baddie Winkle became the star of Instagram. At first, the young relative uploaded the video where...

12 Weirdest Phobias Ever

Fear is something that follows us closely and torments us now and then. In childhood it was darkness that scared some of us, later...

72 Years Old Man Models in Girl's Clothes

This 72-year-old Chinese man, Liu Xianping, is not gay. By wearing clothes for girls he just wants to help her granddaughter.

Barbie Doll Makeup-less

The HuffingtonPost has presented an interesting finding. Its journalists tried to imagine what a Barbie doll without mascara, pink protruding lips, blush, eye shadow,...

Definitions Nip Starburst Crystal Tattoos

These are temporary tattoos, designed for the areas around nipples. And it is assumed that such beautiful women's breast can be shown not only...

World’s Weirdest Banned Things

The Government of each country is trying to accept the laws that aim to protect the rights of their citizens and improve the quality...

Natural Air Comes to Town in Jars to Treat Stress

Nature started to arrive in cities now in jars carrying fresh air from forests and seaside. Jars were left exposed to the natural air...