Lemon in Your Green Tea Cup
It doesn’t need to be mentioned again and again, how healthy green tea is, everybody knows it already. But how lemon effects the beverage...
Transformer Dresses
Every woman in her life probably comes across a situation when she has to go for a date right after work. According to the...
High heels Boost Sex Life
Do you wear high heels? As for me, I do it very often. High heels make short women look higher and their legs appear...
Anti-Anorexia Social Ad by Star Models Agency
Brazilian Star Models modeling agency sponsored an impressive series of public advertising aimed against anorexia entitled "You Are Not a Scetch".
The basic idea is...
How to Make Breast Bigger Without Silicone
Nowadays, almost no one pumps silicone into the breast. Specialists in plastic surgery have developed a new, non-surgical method of breast correction which is...
Women Choose a Perfect Man’s Face
A plastic surgery clinic has interviewed hundreds of women about the features of famous men they like best. Then designers created two images of...
Anti-rape Condom Developed
Scientists from South Africa have developed a special anti-rape female condom. This device features jagged hooks that latch on the rapist.
The condom hurts the...
30-year Old Women Are the Happiest
BBC reports that a large scale survey determined that women aged 28-32 are the happiest ones. The study involved over 4 thousand women ages...
Eurovision 2008 Final Results
This day was a special day – it the final of Eurovision 2008. The stage was actually a big screen, which made it possible...
Perfect Breast Shape Calculated
The British plastic surgeon, Patrick Mallucci, has conducted an unprecedented 3-month study, which resulted in the doctor's obtaining the formula of the perfect breast...
Short People Are Jealous Lovers
An international study has revealed very surprising results: height is one of the factors influencing how jealous the person is in a relationship. It...
Sex Rids Woman of Inferiority Complex
The mother of three children from America, suffering from inferiority complex, decided to have sex every day for a year in order to fix...