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Job & Career

Applying for a Job, How to Get a Promotion, Everything about Earnings, Money, Job Tips, Career Ladder

8 Profitable Careers Still Remaining Non-Traditional for Women

Despite momentous achievements towards real and irrefutable equality there are still life spheres where the great notion slips. Sadly, one of them is an...

What Can You Do with a Business Communications Degree?

Now, can you imagine a business which wouldn’t need skilled refined communication for its development – can you really? Maintaining proper relationships with clients,...

Protecting Your Look and Your Health While Working in a Restaurant

Working in a restaurant kitchen can be an exhilarating experience. You can start working as a kitchen hand and progress to becoming a chef...

Professions of the Future: 8 Careers to Watch Out For

As the job market continues to evolve, it's important to consider what careers may be in demand in the future. With new technologies being...

How to Work from Home & Stay Productive

Everything is perfect in the remote work, ranging from the possibility to sleep late to flexible and comfortable environment. The only bad thing is...

3 Great Business Ideas for Health-Obsessed Entrepreneurs

The world of wellness is a wonderful place, a landscape rife with opportunity and reward for the entrepreneurial-minded among you, provided you know where...

The Gen-Z Challenge: Finding Your Voice In A Chaotic World

Recent statistics indicate that Generation Z (folks between the age of 13 and 23) make up just under 20% of the population. If your...

Top 10 Men’s Jobs Women Find Hot

How much can jobs tell us about people? Some people point out that a person’s job cannot tag them as individuals, and every profession...

10 Happiest Jobs in the World

What makes a person happy is a question that every person answers differently. However, very few people can honestly say that their work brings...

6 Ways to Get Business Contacts

One of the components of successful business is the ability to come in contact with new people - the so-called strategic networking. This means...

How PMP Certification is Worth It

Global experiences and salaries for women as project managers are less as compared to men. This can be changed to equal wages for both...

Secrets of Good Scholarly Writing

The essence of academic paper writing is quite complicated, but if you learn some crucial rules how to avoid a crappy style and to...