Job & Career

Applying for a Job, How to Get a Promotion, Everything about Earnings, Money, Job Tips, Career Ladder

What is Social Engineering?

Nowadays we pay a lot of attention to data protection. We use fingerprint identification on our phones and upper case letters and unusual symbols...

7 Secrets of a Successful Presentation

Let us recall the wise words of the Australian writer Allan Pease: "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression."...

How Do Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos & Larry Page Manage Their...

Quora users have learned how Tony Hsieh, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and others work with their mail. Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos once told Jimmy Wales (the...

How to Make Money Selling Cosmetics Online

People will continue to purchase makeup, even when the economy is slow. When you’re starting an e-commerce business, this is a wonderful attribute for...

Blondes Earn More Than Brunettes and Redheads

A survey conducted by The Motley Fool, personal finance company, showed that blondes earn more than brunettes and redheads. An average monthly income of fair-haired...

Going it Alone: Planning for a New Freelance Career

There are many reasons why a person decides to give up working for others and instead chooses to embark on a career as a...

Hair Color Rules Everywhere – Blondes Earn Bigger Salaries

UK blondes must be something special - jokes aside, regard their bank accounts! A salary survey puts blondes firmly over dark- and red-headed women...

Self-Confidence Is the Best Trait

The psychologists claim that excessive self-confidence is vitally important. Moreover, it is needed in all spheres of life: at work, in private life, and...

5 Ways to Look Your Best to Have the Best Conference...

Video conference calls can still be just as stressful as a normal conference. Here are 5 ways to look your best to have the...

How to Love Your Job

Our job relationships can vary throughout our lives. Some people see their job as a means to an end, others treat jobs as stepping...

$75,000 Marks the Borderline for Happiness

This is purely scientific data - the place where happiness dwells does not extend beyond the salary of $75,000. The Princeton University boffins who were...

Why Do People Fail at a Job Interview

You've created a great CV that impressed an employer. They invited you for a job interview that ended up with telling you they would...