Job & Career

Applying for a Job, How to Get a Promotion, Everything about Earnings, Money, Job Tips, Career Ladder

10 Table Etiquette Rules to Know for Your Next Dinner Meeting

Even if you think your table manners are impeccable, you could probably do with some modern expert tips for the next time you’re dining...

Skill Building in Remote Learning for Professional Success

Thanks to online learning opportunities, higher education is becoming more accessible to students of all backgrounds and interests. Completing remote degree programs is an...

Work From Home As A Bingo Chat Host

When it comes to a bingo players’ ideal job description, working as a bingo room chat host no doubt ticks the boxes for many;...

Who's More Stressed at Work?

Canadian scientists have disproved the conventional meaning that the level of stress depends on the profession. So, who is more subjected to stress at...

Confident Career Change: The 5 Best Careers for Women

Women are more likely than men to change their careers in 2019. Stuck in a dead-end job? The good news is that your dream job...

15 Harvard's Motivational Tips

Waiting for Monday to start a new life is unnecessary, but if Monday is today, you cannot miss the chance! To do this, you...

Why Is It a Good Idea to Attend Beauty School?

If you love fashion and makeup, why not make money out of your interest and enrol in a reputable beauty course Essex offers. For...

12 Things Women Do as Office Workers

As office becomes our customary place to be, we gradually begin to bring it round to our wants and tastes – in whatever ways...

The Gen-Z Challenge: Finding Your Voice In A Chaotic World

Recent statistics indicate that Generation Z (folks between the age of 13 and 23) make up just under 20% of the population. If your...

What is Social Engineering?

Nowadays we pay a lot of attention to data protection. We use fingerprint identification on our phones and upper case letters and unusual symbols...

7 Secrets of a Successful Presentation

Let us recall the wise words of the Australian writer Allan Pease: "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression."...

How to Deal with Professional Deformation?

Can the job change your personality and affect the relations with others? Celebrities Suffering from Professional Deformation Famous Hollywood actor Val Kilmer began to warm to...