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Cosmetic Products, Beauty Tips, Home Beauty Remedies, Facial Masks

Most Common Enemies of Healthy Skin Revealed

If you do not suffer from hormonal disorders, the main reason for bad skin is almost certainly a wrong diet. According to the famous...

Choosing Hair Removal Method: Laser Epilation, Bioepilation or Photoepilation?

Summer is just around the corner, and it’s high time to think about hair removal. The key to a smooth skin staying hair free...

Types of Face Skin Aging. Loss of Shape

Yesterday here was an article about the second type of face skin aging, “webbed face”, and the way of taking care of such face....

Grey Hair Is the Latest Trend

Some time ago, the majority of women were trying to get rid of gray hair by all means, and now grey hair has become...

7 Manicure Tips for a Busy Woman

You, like any woman, want your nails look healthy, beautiful and professionally well-attended to. But like most of us, you work every day, in...

Some Less Expensive, But Less Popular Methods for Shaving

Whether you are a man or woman, some type of hair removal is like a part of your routine. Societal norms (thankfully) have us...

"Organic" Beauty Products Full of Harmful Chemicals

Whenever we purchase some stuff for the bathroom use all of us are inclined to be tempted by the word “organic”, and every time...

New Spring 2011 Lush Bath Bombs

Three well-known Lush bath bombs appeared in their new spring design: Vanilla - Vanilla Fountain, Avobath - Vitamin, Space Girl - Space. Vanilla Fountain A bath...

Plastic Surgery Trends of 2015

In the coming year, the popularity of plastic surgeries will increase due to the influence of Facebook, as many patients will order a small...

When Do Women Start to Age?

True, none of us is getting any younger, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we are getting older, does it? Even if, sometimes unexpectedly, we...

How to Perm Hair Safely?

Permed hair is a good trick women with thin and smooth hair can use as well as those who want to have a nice...

America's Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, female residents most often turn to beauty clinics to get rid of wrinkles. As a...