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The Latest News from Around the World

New Disease Found. Athletic Neurosis

A new disease has been found by English scientists. It’s called athletic neurosis. One suffering from athletic neurosis is obsessed about permanently improving their...

Short People Are Jealous Lovers

An international study has revealed very surprising results: height is one of the factors influencing how jealous the person is in a relationship. It...

Excessive Weight Loss Reduces Life by 8 Years

Norwegian scientists have conducted a study on the interconnection of the weight and duration of life. It has occurred, that in 90 percent of...

Best Sex Lasts 7 to 13 Minutes

A recent study has found, that the best sex should last 7 to 13 minutes. Researchers have interviewed a large number of men and...

Expensive Drugs Cure Better than Cheap Ones

The more expensive the drug, the more effective it is, claim scientists from Duke University, U.S. Besides, this is connected not so much with...

Happy International Women’s Day 8 March

Today is a special day for all women. 8 March is International Women’s Day. Though it’s celebrated primarily in the countries of former Soviet...

Aromatherapy Has No Effect on Health

Aromatherapy has become quite popular among lots of people. In aromatherapy, lemon is referred to as an antidepressant, and basil is said to relieve...

American Women are Fond of Plastic Surgery

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery indicates in the annual report, that 11.7 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the US in 2007....

Silicone Womb Will Make In-Vitro Fertilization More Effective

A new device silicone womb is being currently tested in Great Britain. It’s going to make in-vitro fertilization much more effective, than it has...

Woman’s Body Absorbs 5 Ponds of Makeup Chemicals a Year

The organism of an average woman using makeup and cosmetics actively absorbs about 5 pounds of various chemicals a year, Massachusetts University researchers claim....

Oscar – 80th Annual Academy Awards

Last night was a special night. The 80th Academy Awards ceremony was held on Sunday, February 24, 2008. Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements...

In Search of the G-Spot, the Source of Female Orgasm

The mysterious G-spot, or Graefenberg Spot, responsible for female orgasm has been searched for since the 80th. Many sexologists still call in question the...