Emotional Overeating Treatment
Researchers found the main cause of emotional overeating and ways to overcome it.
Eating Fat Foods & Sweets While Stressed
Many of us have been faced...
Pilates & Dancing as Arthritis Treatment
Dancing fitness, yoga and pilates really work wonders: according to The Daily Mail, these classes can ease the pain of millions of people suffering...
How to Get Rid of Sun Allergy
You have spent the whole day in the sun in the hope of getting a beautiful golden suntan, and as a result there is...
Protein Deficiency
We recall vitamin and mineral deficiency almost every spring, and suppose, the blues and fatigue are the consequence of avitaminosis. However, we hardly guess that many health problems can be caused by protein deficiency.
Wearing High Heels Leads to Arthritis
The women, who cannot imagine their life without high-heeled shoes, harm their health - especially if the shoes do not fit them by size.
Hair Fall Prevention Diet
If hair loss increases and begins to worry you, it may be due to several causes, the most common of which are hormonal misbalance,...
Hirudotherapy Rids of Migraine
The scientists of the University of Duisburg-Essen compare the effect of leeches with a moderate dose of ibuprofen.
Migraine is one of the most common...
10 Dieting Tips to Avoid Wrinkles
Wrinkles is an inescapable evil that many are dreading; something that makes us shudder in anticipation of their appearing around the eyes or near...
7 Healthy Nail Diet Tips
We all want our nails to be trim and shapely, but have we given a thought to how much pressure they actually stand under?...
What Causes Metabolic Disorder?
Metabolism is considered to be a complex process. In other words, we are talking about the activities related to the processing of substances that...
Carrot Juice May Be Harmful to Health
Any nutritionist will tell you that carrot juice is a tasty and healthy product. Note, however, that excessive use of even the most useful...
Fresh Blood to Rejuvenate the Heart
Fresh blood helps fight the thickening of the heart that happens with age.
American scientists have discovered a protein that alters the aging process of...