Smells Cause Migraine
Be careful with certain smells, if you regularly suffer headaches. More than 50% of those suffering from migraines are very sensitive to certain smells,...
5 Tips on How to Stay Healthy in Winter
Human body, like that of all biological beings, reacts to adverse environmental conditions with the decline in vitality that is manifested in psychological and...
Teeth Whitening Damages Skin & Eye Health
Doctors have identified a particular aspect of the potential danger of teeth whitening. The experts concluded that teeth whitening, conducted by dentists with the...
Lots of Friends Mean Bigger Brains
An unexpected conclusion has been recently made by the experts from the University of Oxford. They found that socially oriented people have a slightly...
How to Get Rid of Migraines?
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of the first device relieving pain from migraines with aura (30% of cases),...
Bunion Deformities Causes & Treatment
It is believed that a bump at the base of the big toe is a hereditary phenomenon. Experts think differently and argue that a...
How to Wake up Easily & Completely?
As the morning starts, so the day will continue. You just need to know how to empower the morning with cheerfulness and good humor!...
Falling in Love Is a Big Stress
How many times have you fallen in love? It turns out that the less often - the better. The body of those who often...
Hearing a Refusal Hurts Literally
Hearing a refusal makes the brain “hurt”, as scientists have found out. Some people can experience real physical pain, not to mention the stress...
Birth Control Pills Cause Glaucoma
Long-term use of oral contraceptives doubles the risk of developing glaucoma. This is the conclusion drawn by researchers from the University of California at...
How to Get Rid of Alcohol Breath
If you need to urgently get rid of the alcohol smell after a stormy party, follow our advice.
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon...
3 Health Boost Beverages
In winter, people most often face the risk of developing depression and getting sick. To stay healthy, you should know a few simple recipes.