How to Get Rid of Alcohol Breath

If you need to urgently get rid of the alcohol smell after a stormy party, follow our advice.


  1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon or a whole lime and drip 1-2 drops of vinegar. Rinse your mouth with this mixture, but do not swallow it. This procedure restores the oral cavity microflora.
  2. Chew 3-4 grains of nutmeg. It is also effective to chew 2-3 seeds of roasted coffee.
  3. Put a few dry green or black tea leaves under the tongue.
  4. A good option is to eat roasted sunflower seeds.
  5. Unfortunately, chewing gums and mints are ineffective in removing alcohol breath, and their fragrance and refreshing effect pass immediately after use.
  6. Drink lots of water with lemon juice and honey. Brew tea with sage. These actions not only quench thirst, but also excrete alcohol and decomposition products perfectly well.
  7. All of these actions may be ineffective, if you do not eat well before it.

Russian sour soups will be the best breakfast or lunch: cabbage soup, pickle soup, and solyanka. Armenian hash is also very helpful – it is considered the best hangover dish. By the way, a hearty breakfast will not only help you get rid of the smell of beer, but in general, it partially relieves hangover.

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