Cute Pet Pics Improve Work Performance
According to a recent study, pictures of cute kittens on the desktop do not distract from work, but help improve work performance.
HR Specialists Spend 6 Seconds on Your Resume
Do you think HR employees scrutinize your resume? But that isn’t so.
Using the technology of eye tracking, TheLadders recruitment company conducted a simple but...
10 Happiest Jobs in the World
What makes a person happy is a question that every person answers differently. However, very few people can honestly say that their work brings...
Secret to a Perfect Vacation
The Telegraph reports that scientists have discovered that a vacation should be split into four parts in order to maximize enjoyment from it. The...
World’s 10 Best Testing Jobs
When the testing profession is spoken about, the first thing that comes to your mind is boring and routine work connected with software testing...
Working in a Café Is More Efficient Than Office Work
A recent study explains why many of us like to sit in a cafe with a laptop. Indeed, we often manage to work more...
Women Have a Firmer Grip on Their Work Than Men
As regards organization at work, women have been discovered to fare better than men. This was established by a study of people’s organizational abilities...
How to Get to Know Your Employees Without Getting Too Personal
As a manager, you owe it to the coworkers you lead to be available and open to discussion should any work issues arise. Colleagues...
7 Tips on How to Stop Procrastination
How often have you found a lot of other, simpler activities, not related to the main one, before you needed to submit an important...
Team Work Is More Productive
A group is motivated to work in a more productive way than individual workers. Its members are able to compare the proposed decisions and...
It’s Not a Man’s World: Five Industries Where Women are Winning
Many will still claim this is a man's world, but over the last few decades the number of women finding success in unusual places...
Why Nurse-Midwifery Could be the Rewarding Career for You
Image via Flickr by timefornurses
The medical field has seemingly infinite opportunities that are rewarding in both money and fulfillment. But what niche should you...