Useful Beauty Tips From Classic Stars
Many people strive to achieve the level of beauty that celebrities have. It’s important to understand that many of these celebrities not only have...
15 Important Things to Know Before Hair Dyeing
Have you had a situation when you got an unexpected color after hair dyeing despite the fact that you were using a familiar product?...
How to Bleach Your Hair
So blonde hair is a nightmare to maintain. Boy oh boy is it a nightmare. It's sad but true that bleach wreaks havoc on...
Microdermabrasion Made Woman’s Face Hyperpigmented
A 28-year-old girl, once proud of her skin, now curses herself for having decided to go through a rejuvenating procedure called microdermabrasion. After this...
Surgeons Reveal: Most Men Want a Body of a Superhero
Superhero costumes are popular for Halloween, but some men want to wear them all year round. We mean those who come to the beauty...
5-Minute Nose Job
Is it possible to change the shape of the nose in a matter of 5 minutes? The founder of the Epione clinic, Simon Ourian...
25 Ways to Look Gorgeous Even If You Had Little Sleep
Nobody is perfect. But the female nature is treacherous, and we always want everything to be perfect. There should not be a single detail...
Sponges, Tissues, Brushes for Face Skin Cleansing
How do you cleanse your face? Most people will tell you that they need nothing for washing it. They use the cleansing products with...
How to Get the Best Deals on Your Essential Products
Did you know that the average American woman spends $15,000 on make-up over the course of a lifetime? If you add in shampoos, conditioners,...
How to Make Unwashed Hair Look Clean?
Can one look presentable without washing hair every morning? This is possible, and there are some very simple and accessible tips, which will not...
What’s in Your Cosmetic Products?
Not all women pay attention to the composition of cosmetic products when buying them. This fact should be one of the first things to...
5 Worst Beauty Tips Ever
Girls can come up with the most unexpected ideas! Sticky tape against wrinkles or vacuum cleaner against cellulite... Every month this piggy bank of...