Home Riddles & Brain Training

Riddles & Brain Training

Riddles and puzzles, Incredible Facts from around the World, Brain Games, Brain Training

Mental Beauty. Nuts and Bags

Today Geniusbeauty is opening the new category devoted to Mental Beauty. Here you will find different brain games needing logic to get the right...

Red and White Rivers

Today here is one more task for your mental beauty. Two rivers are flowing near each other. One of them is red, the other...

Brain Game. Americans without a Passport

Here is a brain game, which was shared with me by Chris and Stacy (by the way, thank you a lot!) and which I...

10 Incredible Facts from around the Globe

The world is more interesting and varied than we think. Every day there is something new. Here you will learn 10 unusual facts about...

Brain Game. God Given

Here is an interesting brain game. God gives it to people twice absolutely free, but if they want to have it for the third...

Riddle about Cinderella

Some of you were really missing brain games, according to the messages you sent me. So, here’s the new brainteaser, try to solve it!...

Brain Game. Shopping Woman

Today here’s a new riddle about a shopping woman. I hope, you will like and solve it. “How much does 1 cost?” asked the customer...

Brain Game. Bear

I see, you had no problem in solving the previous brain game, now try this brain teaser. It’s not very complicated, as well as...

Brain Game. Children in Kindergarten

Geniusbeauty is going on publishing brain games. The following task is given to children in kindergartens. If the kid gives the right answer, they...

Light in the Closet

So, we are going on publishing riddles and brain games. Try to solve this one. There are three switches, one of them switches on...

Riddle about the Prisoner Princess

Princess, confined in dungeon, can break out if she solves the following riddle. She has two doors in front of her, one opens to...

Brain Game. How to Become a Psychic

Today here is another brain game. I haven’t posted them for a few weeks and I hope, you have missed my riddles. Try to...