How To Protect Yourself against Pancreatic Cancer?
High levels of such microelements as selenium and nickel in the body can help reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.
This deadly disease is often...
Plazma Brush to Rid of Fear of Dental Treatment
Some time ago, American scientists from Missouri initiated the investigation, that resulted in the creation of a dental device called "Plazma Brush". The Nanova...
Breast Cancer Screening May Harm Your Health
According to the British Medical Journal, the experts overestimate the positive effect of breast cancer screening and ignore the risks associated with it.
The authors...
New Condition: Electronic Insomnia
Doctors state that more and more people come to them with a self-diagnosis. The patients think they are sick with chronic fatigue. As a...
Science: The Main Medical Innovation of 2011
The authoritative Science journal named the improved medicine for AIDS a scientific breakthrough of the year.
The study, which started in 2005, was conducted by...
Mediterranean Diet Adds 3 Years of Life Even If You Start...
Today nobody doubts that Mediterranean diet is the healthiest one. Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Greeks, Maltese all live a long and happy life because their...
Genes Prevent Influenza
Some people remain healthy, when faced with an influenza virus. Others are sure to catch it. The scientists believe that genes can be an...
New Year's Resolution: 6 Tips How to Give up Smoking
We all have once decided to start a new life since Monday or the first day of the year. Smoking is no exception.
In fact,...
Christmas Allergy
Fall and spring are considered to be an ideal time for allergy. A new research has shown that exacerbation of the disease can be...
How to Cure Caries?
Wenyuan Shi from the University of California has developed a mouthwash that can kill bacteria threatening with caries.
The scientist and his colleagues have figured...
Temporary Loneliness Is Beneficial to Men
Professor Alan White from the University of Leeds says that hours of slow work in privacy not only reduce the blood pressure, but also...
Antibiotics Intake Cause Incurable Infections
A survey conducted by the Agency for Health Protection in the UK has shown that many people believe antibiotics can help with cough and...