How to Remove a Ring from Your Finger?
Many of us have faced the problem of a ring stuck on the finger. Some use soap, while some even need medical assistance. Before...
Longevity Secrets for Men & Women Differ
Scientists have found that the secret of longevity depends on your sex. For the longest life expectancy, men require to sleep well regularly and...
Winter Outfits: Stylish or Warm?
The best protection from the cold is appropriate clothing. What should you look for when selecting clothing? As for a man's wardrobe, everything is...
Sleep Quality Depends on Diet
American experts are sure that the human diet is in some way related to the quality of sleep. This was proved by the analysis...
New Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss will soon be treated without expensive and ineffective hair transplants. A special injection will soon relieve people from one of the most...
4 Unhealthy Foods Beneficial for Your Health
If harmful products really exist, then somebody needs them. Nutrition experts confirm that unwholesome food can sometimes play right into your hands.
1. Salt
Salt, for...
Quick Recovery Foods
Many people know that garlic and lemon are useful when having colds. Actually, they are not alone in making the body stronger and ready...
Sleepless Night As Harmful as Head Injury
Swedish scientists have concluded that a sleepless night affects the brain just as a head trauma.
Sleepless nights can be compared to a concussion. In...
Most Cancer Cases Could Be Prevented
Half of the UK residents do not realize that a healthy diet and lifestyle protect them from cancer. They blame bad luck in the...
Intimate Life: What Do Women Regret?
Women are more often sorry for their sexual intercourse than men are, as the specialists from the University of Texas have revealed. They also...
12 Healthy Smoothies Recipes
Many celebrities prefer juice therapy and drink smoothies instead of regular meals in order to drop some pounds and stay healthy. You can also...
Untreated Rhinitis Complications
Rhinitis, or runny nose, is the inflammation syndrome of the nasal mucosa. Infectious rhinitis is caused by various viruses and germs. The development of...