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Chocolate to Cure Cough?

According to Daily Mail, cocoa beans, or rather their component theobromine, are able to cure cough. The scientists at the U.S. National Institute of...

Asparagus Treats Hangover

The employees of the National University of Jeju in South Korea claim that asparagus can cure and prevent hangover. Korean experts have discovered new...

Which Foods Cause Stomach Bloating?

Do you sometimes suffer from stomach bloating? It's because you eat certain foods causing it. Avoid them, and you'll never experience bloating again.

Calcium & Vitamin D Supplements Useless for Older Women

Mature women who are in the habit of relying on calcium supplements and vitamin D to strengthen their bones will probably have to reconsider...

Candida Diet

Sometimes the medicines, prescribed by your doctor, are not enough when one needs to cure candidiasis. In case of the disease, it is important...

5 Foods for Healthy Teeth

Diet can be a good prevention of dental problems. American scientists from the University of Michigan have made a list of the five best...

Carrot Juice May Be Harmful to Health

Any nutritionist will tell you that carrot juice is a tasty and healthy product. Note, however, that excessive use of even the most useful...

What Are White Spots on Nails?

We are sure many women have noticed unattractive weird white spots on nails (leukonychia). They are generally very small and have a form of...

How to Choose the Right Pillow?

Do you sleep on a good pillow? Would you like to replace it? Today, the manufacturers offer a lot of options in this respect....

Lots of Friends Mean Bigger Brains

An unexpected conclusion has been recently made ​​by the experts from the University of Oxford. They found that socially oriented people have a slightly...

Moisturize Dry Skin from Inside out

In order to achieve the maximum benefit from moisturizers in combatting wrinkles, they must be swallowed rather than rubbed into the skin. This conclusion...

10 Healthiest Seasonal Foods of May

Doctors say that only seasonal foods can really benefit your health. It is very useful to eat seasonal foods in May: there is much...