Red and White Rivers
Today here is one more task for your mental beauty. Two rivers are flowing near each other. One of them is red, the other...
Mental Beauty. Soft Toy for Two Little Geniusbeauties
Here is one more task for your Mental Beauty, which is a bit more difficult. Two little Geniusbeauties went to a shop to buy...
Mental Beauty. Bus and Children
This time Geniusbeauty is publishing another brain game created for children. As it was in the previous one, adults often fail in solving it,...
Brain Game. Children in Kindergarten
Geniusbeauty is going on publishing brain games. The following task is given to children in kindergartens. If the kid gives the right answer, they...
Mental Beauty. Nuts and Bags
Today Geniusbeauty is opening the new category devoted to Mental Beauty. Here you will find different brain games needing logic to get the right...