5 Ways to Make Home Decluttering Fun

A quest, a house party, a garage sale – we get rid of unnecessary things so we can have a good time and recharge ourselves with positive emotions.

1. Arrange a home quest to collect things

An excellent way to sort out unnecessary things is to declutter with the whole family. Even children can be involved in this activity: for example, ask them to find all the broken or boring toys.

To make cleaning really interesting, add a game element to it.

You can cut cards that will indicate areas for analysis and the number or type of items to be thrown away. Put them in a bag or a hat and let everyone draw a task.

Alternatively, give everyone an area, set a timer for 15-20 minutes and take turns moving clockwise.

Any unusual activity will make decluttering less routine and add excitement to the cleaning process.

2. Organize a house party with an exchange of things

Your friends indeed have a lot of good, but unnecessary items at home that they have no time to sell, but it’s a pity to throw them away. Organize an exchange party.

To do this, choose a theme (for example, women’s clothing, books, or plants). Let everyone come with what he wants to get rid of and leave with what he likes from others.

Don’t forget that this is supposed to be a fun time, so prepare some music, snacks, and drinks, and set up a comfortable seating area.

If you exchange clothes, be sure to set aside a place where you can change clothes and arrange a large mirror in the room.

3. Hold a garage sale

Homeowners can host a garage sale. It exhibits various things of various sizes: from a collection of buttons to garden equipment.

Prepare price tags, write information about the day and time of the sale in thematic chats, and invite those you know personally.

4. Arrange a joke auction

To do this, you will again need to invite friends, but this time they must come with empty hands and trophy bags. Such a party can be held in the park or outside the city in good weather.

Take the event’s first half for various contests, puzzles and quizzes. Prepare tickets for the winners and do not forget to stock enough items so that everyone present can participate in the second part of the party.

When the contests are over and everyone has stocked up with game currency, seat the guests and start the auction.

Introduce the item, tell a couple of fun facts about its history, and voice the initial price. Let the guests raise the stakes and compete for the things they like with the help of the tickets won before.

5. Get a piggy bank

Decluttering, sorting things, taking pictures, and posting unnecessary items on classified websites to find buyers is dull as long as it is done for the sake of order in the house.

Motivate yourself and your family by setting a goal to save a certain amount and spend it on something you have long wanted to do together (for example, it could be a family trip to a water park).

Or divide the amount received equally and spend it according to everyone’s taste.

The main thing is that now everyone will really look for unnecessary stuff with passion and part with them more willingly, think over good angles for photos, and actively monitor sites with ads.

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