
Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Expecting Mothers, Conception Tips, Expecting a Baby

Heartburn – Pregnancy’s Well-known Companion

Pregnancy is a happy time for every woman since once this period in her life is over she bears a child. On the other...

An Only Child in a Family is at Risk of Becoming...

American sociologists argue that an only child in a family is seriously at risk of becoming a sociopath, - the Health journal wrote. In...

11 Ways Pregnancy Can Change Your Body Permanently

Pregnancy is a major journey mentally, emotionally, and especially physically. Many women find themselves coping with permanent changes in their body – some positive...

Diet to Plan Your Baby's Sex

Parents’ diet may play a role in whether they will have a boy or a girl. Studies show that the parents of boys had...

Give Your Baby the Best Care

Welcoming your new baby into the world and becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding and exciting times of your life....

Best Month for Getting Pregnant

It turns out that the chance of getting pregnant depends not only on individual peculiarities of men and women, but also on the time...

Obesity Can Affect Ultrasound Scan Results

According to researchers from the University of Texas, if a pregnant woman suffers from obesity, the results of fetal ultrasound examinations may be impaired....

Before Daycare: Do You Need An Infant Nanny?

The first few weeks of your infant’s life are exhausting. You’re sleep deprived, trying to learn what your baby needs, and you’re probably being...

Do you Want a Boy or a Girl?

It is the fact that the sex of your unborn baby is determined at the moment of conception and depends on the type of...

Weight Loss after Pregnancy. First Trimester

You already know that women may gain up to 30 lb or even more during the nine months of pregnancy. And then, when your...

10 Ways to Respond to Tactless Pregnancy Questions

If you are in relationship but haven’t had children yet, you’re always under fire: there are so many people around who would like to...

Swelling During Pregnancy

Swelling occurs quite often during pregnancy. And the gravity force is what makes swelling in legs especially noticeable. Usually, swelling becomes worse towards the...