Sports & Fitness

Sports, Fitness, Physical Exercises, Dance, Waist reduction, Hips, Abdominals Training, Muscle, Maintaining Healthy Weight, Jogging, Fat Loss

Best Abs Exercise Ever – Plank

Plank is one of the most popular and effective exercises for the press worldwide. Plank not only makes the abdominal muscles and the shoulder...

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: The Meanings of the Belts

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a form of martial arts that has gained a great deal of popularity, especially among women, over the last...

​4 Simple Weight Lifting Tips for Women

One does not have to look far to find countless weight lifting tips. Even before the Digital Age, magazine racks were brimming with muscle...

Start Working out with These Tips!

Even if most people are aware of the fact that working out is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle, few individuals...

Ladies, Motivate Yourselves to Exercise with These 6 Ways

Currently it feels as though the world is obsessed with health and fitness, constantly documenting colourful superfoods on Instagram and posting the odd controversial...

All About Axe Throwing: North America’s Newest Pastime

Sports fads come and go (you hardly see anyone hacky sacking anymore!), but every once and a while a new sport comes along that...

A Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Student Athlete Excel

One of the biggest determining factors in a student athlete’s success – both on the field and off – is the support, guidance, and...

Working out Daily? How Is It Possible?

Even if you are keen on workouts, it may be difficult for you to make it to the gym every day – you begin...

Best Celebrity Abs & Waist Exercises

All-year-round bikini-ready models and actresses have inspired us to find the best abs exercises for you so that you look stunning on the beach too.

4 Exercises to Get Jennifer Aniston’s Body

Jennifer Aniston is 44, but still looks stunning in bikini. These 4 exercises will make your body as hot.

Exercises for Getting Rid of Belly Fat?

The 42-year-old Jennifer Lopez shows her iron abs sprinkled with drops of rain at a concert in Brazil, but the 19-year-old Selena Gomez can...

Aerobics Helps Keep Your Brain as Agile as Body

The health benefits of aerobics have long been common knowledge, but its influence on the brain functions somehow got left out of the picture....