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Ancient Egyptian Eyeliners for Beauty and Health

Black eyeliner, this distinctive feature of the ancient Egyptian culture, caused some controversy as to its practical usefulness. The Egyptians claimed that eye makeup...

Cutting Down on Salt Could Save 92,000 Lives

Researchers at the University of California report that reduction in salt intake by 3 grams a day may help prevent 66,000 strokes, 99,000 heart...

How to Become an Early Riser

Are you mad with your early-rising colleagues who, as you are darting into the office being half an hour late, immediately go patronizingly like...

Inflated Self-Esteem Indicates Poor Brain Activity

Researchers at the University of Texas, USA, have discovered that inflated self-esteem is associated with the insufficient activity of frontal lobes of the brain...

How to Fight Post-Vacation Depression

When you return from your vacation everything seems to be wrong. Your coffee tastes bad. You have loads of work. You boss is annoying....

Menopause Requires Additional Health Care Due to Bad Cholesterol

Women run an increased risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases after menopause because of the changes it causes in serum lipid levels. A new study...

Drinking Water Does Not Improve Your Skin

Surprisingly enough, drinking a lot of water does not make your skin look young and beautiful. Many women, including Hollywood actresses and high-profile top-models,...

Stress Damages Teeth

Stress may be dangerous for your teeth, according to scientists of the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Surprising link was found with the help of...

Dairy Products Protect from Uterine Fibroid

According to gynecologists from the Boston University, US, consuming a lot of dairy products may reduce the risk of uterine fibroid. The study involved over...

Meditation May Prevent Heart Attack

Meditation reduces the risk of heart attack, scientists of the Maharishi University in the US claim. Together with research team from the University of...

Cigarettes Are Choke Full of Bacteria

Cigarettes are widely contaminated with bacteria, according to a global research group. They carried out the first ever microbiological diagnostics of the most popular...

Reminder of Loved Ones Can Ease Pain

A mere reminder of our loved ones can help ease physical pain, according to researchers at the University of California. Their findings indicate the...