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Is Overtime Work Worth It?

Overtime work is a pretty widespread occurrence. Some stay at work for a longer time, some take their work home and spend those precious...

HIV Testing – an Important Factor of Sexual Happiness

There's a dark side to any joy under the sun, and while there are some who spend their lives trying to walk warily in...

Why Is It Unhealthy to Wear High Heels?

Many people believe that getting rid of footwear with heels will save feet from problems and pain. But orthopedists couldn’t disagree more on this....

Breaking 12 Myths about Condoms

Mature relationships imply taking care of each other’s health including the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Despite the existence of a large quantity of...

5 Plants that are Recommended for Helping Cancer Patients

Finding new cancer treatments is the holy grail of medical sciences. The US is projected to spend $156 billion on treating cancer by 2020....

New Year's Resolution: 6 Tips How to Give up Smoking

We all have once decided to start a new life since Monday or the first day of the year. Smoking is no exception. In fact,...

How to Deal with Premenstrual Binge Eating?

Premenstrual syndrome, in addition to such unpleasant symptoms as oily skin, fatigue, and bad mood, is also fraught with an increased feeling of hunger....

Cinnamon Prevents Diabetes

High blood sugar level is known to cause diabetes and mental decline. Until recently, the doctors have recommended the following types of reducing blood...

9 Survival Myths

All the books on survival and safety tell about how to cope with numerous difficulties. They are all read and believed. We suggest debunking...

8 Hours of Sleep Daily: Necessity or Habit?

It is believed that a person needs at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for a good rest. However, a recent research has shown that people used to sleep quite differently in the past.

Silver Much More Efficient Than Antibiotics

The research, conducted by the microbiologists from Boston University, may relieve the researchers of the necessity to develop new antibiotics and will solve the...

Nitrates Beneficial to Health?

Nitrates are traditionally referred to as harmful substances for a human organism, leading to cancer when transforming into a carcinogen nitrosamine. However, the scientists...