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Women are Least Beautiful on Wednesday

The scientists call Wednesday the most harmful day to women's health and beauty. And what is the most beneficial day? Mood Swings during the Week The...

Women Get Fatter Due to Household Gadgets

Modern women are more prone to overweight than their mothers and grandmothers – and that is due to the fact that they spend less...

Women Have Smaller but more Efficient Brain

It is known that the size of the female and male brains differs a lot. However, recent studies have shown that it is of no importance.

Men Prefer Brunettes

The Telegraph has published a study that shows that men prefer brunettes, rather than blondes, as is commonly believed. The study proves that men find...

Daily Ration Drink Created

After American programmer Rob Reinhart of Atlanta had got tired of spending time and energy on cooking and eating, the young man created a...

Dark Lightning Hits Airplane Passengers with Radiation

The scientists in Florida have discovered that the "dark lightnings", discovered in 1994, are quite dangerous for the aircraft crew and passengers. This lightning creates...

Happiness Is When You Have More Sex Than Neighbors

It has long been known that happiness is not when you have something, but when you have more of it than others, and when...

Vogue Names Donatella Versace A Woman of Our Time

The British Vogue has given the epithet "woman of our time" to Donatella Versace. It turns out that being a rebel, wearing high heels...

Who Is The Most Arrogant in Europe?

The residents of several European countries have been surveyed, and the result showed that the French and the Germans are considered the most arrogant....

Active Twitter Users Suffer from Narcissism

The more actively an Internet user posts on Twitter, the more he or she suffers from narcissism. This is the conclusion reached by the...

The Secret of Inner Voice Revealed

The secret of the inner voice that we hear in our head without saying a word is revealed. The inner voice is a poorly explored...

Women Cause Car Accidents More Often than Men

Where is men's chauvinism manifested most often? When they comment on female drivers. There are a lot of jokes and anecdotes about driving ladies....