January Is a Divorce Month

For a huge number of people a new year is a chance to start a new life with a new partner. January turned out a record month for the number of divorces and separations, as found by sociologists.


A survey conducted by the British Vouchercloud company, showed that the highest number of separations including the filing for divorce happens in January. It turns out that for many people the new year becomes an occasion not only to start doing gym or give up donuts, but also to say goodbye to their husband or partner. “Christmas stress” evokes the desire to start life anew.

The participants of the survey who broke up with their partner in January, named these reasons among the main ones. The second most popular month for divorce is December, and the third is March. Sociologists asked whether the season influenced their decision to break the relationship, and 62% answered affirmatively.

Among other reasons for separation people named financial problems, depressing weather and pressure from relatives. 48% of the respondents, oddly enough, are already in new relationships. Psychologists explain the phenomenon of January by the fact that in this month people are affected by a combination of factors. This is the fatigue after holidays, the longer time spent with the partner during the holidays, which increases the risk of quarrels, and traditional human tendency to schedule fundamental life changes on some specific calendar days. That is why it is so difficult for the couples to go through these tests in January.

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