6 Surprising Facts about Men

What may be and may not be expected from a normal man, and, while we’re at it, what a normal man is? Is there anybody whom we can set as an example?


The Esquire tried to find an answer to that teaser by conducting a survey of over 1,000 men, asking them questions about their opinions, behavioral patterns and attitudes; they formed the basis of an article entitled This is Normal. See if you know your average man well – or maybe you will end up surprised?

  1. Is friendship between sexes possible? 13% of the polled say their friends are all female, or almost all female. 38% of the men have about half of their friends women, and 44% only have 2-3 women among their friends.
  2. Two out of three men confessed to saying “I love you” every day and sometimes more than once a day! Did you expect that?
  3. Are strip clubs losing lure? More than one third of men say they are not interested to visit them. Oh, by the way, golf has the same percentage of rejections.
  4. Masturbation comes within the range of 24% who are not above masturbating at work, and 9% who don’t go for it even when they are alone at home.
  5. Male nudity grows more popular? 38% are ready to click a link to get a view of a nude photo of a famous athlete, actor, or celebrity, once they know it is displayed on a site. Are they the same people who do not go to strip shows?
  6. Made-up men! A quarter of the polled men have had manicure done, 22% use concealer to hide a blemish on their faces.
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