6 Tips on How to Influence the Reader When Writing
Steven Pinker is one of the most influential psychologists in the world, a scientist and a linguist from Harvard University. And here are the...
12 Things Women Do as Office Workers
As office becomes our customary place to be, we gradually begin to bring it round to our wants and tastes – in whatever ways...
20 Things on Your Resume Nobody Cares about
We have gathered in one place 20 common mistakes made when creating a resume. Your employer is not interested to know where you worked...
Foster Care in the U.S. Infographic
If your goal is to get a master degree in social work, you might be interested in understanding the American foster care system. Below...
Why Don’t Millionaires Use To-Do-Lists
Millionaires, Olympic athletes, and successful businessmen do not make to-do-lists; instead, they plan objectives. Below you will read why you should get rid of...
10 Skills Everybody Can Learn
All people sometimes want to learn something new – to play the drums, to speak Spanish or master effective self-defense techniques. Here are 10...
Happy People Earn More
It turns out that the level of income and the level of happiness are interrelated. No, the rich people also cry. But happy people...
7 Secrets of a Successful Presentation
Let us recall the wise words of the Australian writer Allan Pease: "You never get a second chance to make a great first impression."...
How to Stay Productive When Flying?
A business trip is a physical and mental test. Travelling, standing in a queue, waiting... Even during and after a long flight you can...
Why Never Work with Family Members?
What should you consider before becoming colleagues with your family members? The pitfalls of such working tandems are discussed in our article.
Not every family...
Reasons Why People Don’t Listen to You
Sound expert Julian Treasure has revealed 7 reasons why people do not listen to us when we speak. Besides, he explains how to change...
How to Turn Your Hobby into a Career?
Once you surely dreamed of having a job where you wouldn't be required to work for a single day. Later, you must have regained...