Job & Career

Applying for a Job, How to Get a Promotion, Everything about Earnings, Money, Job Tips, Career Ladder

Business Women Have More Testosterone

Researchers from the University of Exeter say successful business ladies have more testosterone in their blood compared to housewives. According to scientists, this fact...

Who's More Stressed at Work?

Canadian scientists have disproved the conventional meaning that the level of stress depends on the profession. So, who is more subjected to stress at...

Horrible Bosses Affect Your Immunity

Checking the blood of the people who worked with moody bosses, made scientists re-evaluate the effects of stress at work. It turned out that...

Why Do People Fail at a Job Interview

You've created a great CV that impressed an employer. They invited you for a job interview that ended up with telling you they would...

Emerging Healthcare Careers for Women

While women have historically filled crucial healthcare positions, they have also been limited to a few career paths. Today, more women pursue careers in...

A Successful Career Destroys the Family

According to a news review of the popular-science journal Science, Canadian scientists have discovered that in the modern world, a successful career breaks a...

27 Tips on How to Make a Resume for a Well-Paid...

Looking for a new job? Dreaming of a career? Here are the 27 tips on how to write a resume to get a well-paid...

10 Hobbies That Could Make You Money

With so many things around to save to, from a really eventful holiday to a nice house, a lot of people are tightening their...

Overwork Makes Women Unhappy

A five year long studies involving over 10,000 British women showed that women tend to associate their private life with work even as they...

Work From Home As A Bingo Chat Host

When it comes to a bingo players’ ideal job description, working as a bingo room chat host no doubt ticks the boxes for many;...

Understanding the Retake Policy for Oracle Certification Exams

Nowadays women and men are equal on the labor market, there are hardly jobs where only women are employed. If you want to become a female programmer, which is still a rare thing, here's how.

Self-Confidence Is the Best Trait

The psychologists claim that excessive self-confidence is vitally important. Moreover, it is needed in all spheres of life: at work, in private life, and...