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Diseases Treatment Tips, Health News, Home Remedies for Your Health

HIV Cures Cancer

According to Independent News, malignant cancer tumors disappear when faced with HIV. The unconventional method of treatment was chosen by American doctors from Children's Hospital...

Reasons to See a Therapist

Going to see a mental health specialist and consulting him or her about your problems may seem a weird proposition – and it certainly...

Most Hazardous Jobs for Women

The American Health Institute has released the list of most hazardous jobs for women with some surprising items on it. Secretary and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal...

Paracetamol Treats Anxiety

If you are tormented by the question of the meaning of your life or you feel offended by someone and you can not forgive...

14 Tricks to Fall Asleep Faster

It is long after dark. Your eyes pick straws, thoughts begin to get confused. You gather all your forces to reach the bed, lie...

Is My Disease Psychosomatic? Here Are 5 Steps to Find Out

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the body are signs of psychosomatic issues. That is, the body signals that you are not living the way...

7 of the Best Vegetarian Foods for Hair Growth

A healthy diet goes a long way toward promoting hair growth and health. For strong, lustrous locks there are certain must-have nutrients on which...

High Cholesterol Levels Cause Breast Cancer

According to the Science magazine, cholesterol can trigger the growth of cancer cells in the breast. An explanation has been found why obesity is one...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fatty Liver Disease Linked

Fatty liver is a serious disease that is rarely detected early. At the same time, a neglected fatty disease develops into such terrible diseases...

Rejuvenating Vitamin Cocktail

Scientists at the McMaster University, Canada, have invented a rejuvenating cocktail recipe. Older lab mice fed with the vitamin formula were as vibrant as...

5 Reasons to Eat Apples

Scientists urge us to eat more apples - this is the best remedy for muscle atrophy! Muscle atrophy involves a number of serious problems,...

Strength and Stamina: How Health Products Get You Back on Track

Are you the one cowering in your office cubicle sucking on some candy, whilst everyone else has power-walked in and are eating their protein-packed...