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Bottled Water Found More Contaminated Than Tap Water

Canadian researchers from C-crest Laboratories claim that 70 percent of bottled water from popular brands exceeds regulatory requirements for bacteria. In some cases, bacteria...

Worst Beverage in America

With 2,010 calories per one portion, Cold Stone has been named by Men's Health the worst beverage in America. This beverage comes with...

White Hair Does Not Mark You out as Old

White hair is looked upon as a sign of old age, but recent research discovered hair can be bleached into white as a harmless...

Ultrasound Contraception for Men

Scientists from the University of North Carolina promise that ultrasound may solve the problem of male contraception. Their studies discovered that ultrasound waves may...

Sedentary Job Leads to Hypertension and Diabetes

British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that sedentary job may lead to hypertension and diabetes. Most people spend 9 hours a day sitting, at...

Coffee Intake Helps Avoid Mistakes at Work

A recent research discovered that people working shifts can avoid making errors if they drink coffee. Since working shifts disorganizes the human body clock, shift...

Healthy Diet Increases Risk of Obesity

The most recent Health issue ran an article saying that healthy diet really increases the risk of obesity. Scientists claim that restricted diet makes...

No Link Between Mobile Phones and Brain Cancer Found

For 30 years now, the dispute has been around over unhealthy effects of mobile phones, and in particular, whether they cause brain tumors or...

What Fruit and Vegetables Are Really Healthy?

According to dieticians at the British Nutrition Foundation, we need to replace carrots and oranges with papaya and sweat potato. Experts say that while...

Negative Expectations Detrimental To Health

A series of studies conducted by American psychologists substantiated the fact that negative thoughts can adversely affect our health as anxiety, worries and pressures...

Soft Drinks Lovers Age Faster

Scientists at Harvard University claim soft drinks can speed up ageing process. Contained in soda drinks, processed food and cookies, phosphates dry out the...

Non-Fattening Chocolate Created

Scientists from the University of Birmingham have created a low-fat chocolate. They found that fat particles in chocolate can be replaced with water...