Fruit and Berries You Shouldn’t Eat Daily

It is believed that fresh juicy fruit is the best option for daily snacks. However, not all berries and fruit can be eaten every day. Fruit and berries contain many vitamins and dietary fibers, which improve peristalsis, bind heavy metals and cholesterol, slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, and improve intestinal microflora. They are also low in calories, high in fiber, antioxidants, and trace elements.

But do not forget that their fruits contain simple sugars of natural origin – sucrose, glucose and fructose. Remember: if you do not know when to stop and eat a lot of fruits and berries during the day, this can lead to metabolic disorders. What fruits should you be especially careful with?


Ripe bananas are great for those with a sweet tooth as a dessert substitute. They contain potassium, magnesium, silicon, vitamins C and B6. If you’re planning on running a marathon or going to a workout, a banana snack is a good choice. Bananas are a quick source of energy.

People who are losing weight should eat bananas with caution since one banana accounts for up to 5 tsp. of sugar. If you have diabetes, this fruit definitely cannot become a daily companion to your menu. If you are losing weight, stick to slightly unripe bananas.


Grapes contain many antioxidants such as flavonoids and phytoncide resveratrol. It is these antioxidants that help to effectively maintain health and youth. 1 gram of grape peel contains up to 100 mcg of resveratrol.

Studies have shown that this antioxidant prevents the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases and cancer. Due to the fact that grapes have a high concentration of glucose, just a small handful of fruits helps to increase energy, cheer up and prevent depressive conditions.

However, it is also important to remember that grapes contain many times more natural sugars than other fruits (up to 18 g per 100 g). If you eat grapes every day, you will see a significant weight gain on the scales very quickly.

If you are watching your weight, keep this point in mind, since monosugars that are part of grapes are very easily and quickly absorbed and stored in fat.


This tropical fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is loved by those who monitor their weight, as it reduces appetite, has low-calorie content, and is high in water-soluble fiber (pectin).

But, despite the seeming safety, it is better not to eat this fruit on a daily basis due to its highly concentrated composition.

It is especially dangerous to eat grapefruit if you are taking immunosuppressants, statins, calcium channel blockers, and drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The combination of this fruit with drugs leads to an increase in their bioavailability, which can increase the risk of side effects.


eating., food- nutrition

Some time ago, it was very fashionable to drink water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach. But in fact, such a cocktail is not so harmless. Lemons should be added to the diet with caution in case of ulcers, enteritis, gastritis, stomatitis, and increased acidity of the stomach. Lemon juice irritates the mucous membranes, which leads to an exacerbation of these diseases.

If eaten daily, lemon destroys tooth enamel just like other citrus fruits. Therefore, after you have drunk lemon juice or eaten a slice of lemon, do not be too lazy to brush your teeth or just rinse your mouth with water.

Dried fruits

The first thing women refuse on a diet is everything sweet, which is replaced by dried fruits. Yes, dried fruits contain a concentrate of fiber, but do not forget that they remain as high-calorie as your favorite sweets.

For example, 100 g of dried apricots contains 230 kcal, of which 51 g is sugar. Therefore, if you have replaced sweets with dried fruits, carefully monitor their quantity and avoid overeating.

It is also important to remember that all dried fruits are treated with sulfur dioxide. Before eating the fruit, rinse it well in hot water.


The refreshing berry is extremely pleasant in the summer heat. At the same time, watermelon contains few calories and is 90% water.

However, watermelons should not be eaten daily, as they can cause diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, if consumed regularly. They are contraindicated in people who have been diagnosed with kidney disease or diabetes mellitus.

Fruits and berries are undoubtedly healthy but do not forget about measure and variety. Alternate between different types of fruits in different colors to get the most out of them.

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