100 Year Old Americans Share Their Longevity Secrets

The survey was carried out by the United Health care medical organization asking 100 American long-livers about the secret of longevity. The secret of longevity is simple: physical and emotional activity.

Old Lady

It was found that the centenarian Americans are as active as the men, who are twice younger. They learn new technologies (use of the Internet, text messaging, players), communicate with their family and friends often (over 80% of them said they did it every day), watch the current events in the social, cultural, and financial spheres.

They also look after their health: eat healthy food, pay considerable attention to physical exercise – 41% of the centenarians reported that they walked, 6% were engaged in Tai Chi, yoga or meditating, 4% used to ride a bicycle, and 5% played basketball, tennis, baseball, or football.

The recent data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau show that the USA is now home to about 84,000 of long-livers. It is predicted that by 2040 this figure will have increased by seven times – reaching 580,000. The authors conclude that physical activity and vibrant emotional communication  are the keys to active longevity.

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