Towels do their bit faithfully when they are called upon to get us dry, but what about sending that additional wave of sheer pleasure through your body as you pick them up and feel warmth wafting over, taking away the cold of the drab day? What about that feeling of freshness, as if loving hands have just laid out a new towel for you and made it warm while you were in the shower?
If you want that extra touch of toweling joy, it is there for you at the price of $79.95 embodied in a new gadget called the Personal Towel Warmer. It won’t clutter up your bathroom much, being the size of a small garbage bin, yet it can warm up three bath towels at a go. Put them in, hit the button and set about your showering. The Personal Towel Warmer will heat them up to 135º F in five minutes, inform you that the job is done lighting a LED signal and keep them like this for about 20 minutes, offering perfect warmth and dryness to those who don’t stay in the shower for a longer time. If you like to dawdle over your shower you can turn it on again.
And you don’t have to take the name literally, for the comfortable gadget will take care of your dressing-gowns, clothes or bedroom pieces as well.
Source of the image: Coolest-gadgets