What Should I Ask My Midwife At My First Pregnancy Appointment?

The early stages of pregnancy can be a confusing time. Your new situation will bring with it a whole host of questions and concerns about your health and that of the baby. When you’re expecting a child, it’s important to ensure that you’re well informed about your baby’s development and are aware of the changes taking place in your own body. Let’s take a look at some of the most important questions you should ask your midwife when you go for your first pregnancy appointment.


What is the timetable for our appointments?

The first question you need to ask your midwife is how often you need to go for check-ups. This will give you peace of mind, as you’ll know that you’re getting the care and attention you need at every stage of your pregnancy.

It can be difficult to fit in medical appointments around your personal and professional life, especially if you are trying to keep your pregnancy quiet in the early stages. The hectic schedule involved with most doctor or nursing jobs mean that they sometimes lack flexibility, which can make it difficult to arrange appointments. You may need to agree on evening or out-of-hours appointments until you take your maternity leave. A good relationship with your midwife is essential, so establish clear boundaries at the beginning of your pregnancy to help make your journey to childbirth run as smoothly as possible.

Is it safe to continue on my current medication?

Once you have established some of the practical details, you need to discuss medical matters. First and foremost, you need to check your medication. If you are taking anything, either prescribed by a doctor or over the counter, you must ensure that this is safe to continue with during pregnancy. Your midwife will be able to advise you on this and can refer you to the appropriate health professional if he or she has any concerns.

If I have existing health conditions or a family history of illness, will these affect the baby?

Some health conditions such as hypertension can cause complications during pregnancy. When you discover that you’re expecting a baby, you’ll need to discuss your medical history with your midwife. He or she will be able to advise you on necessary precautions to help you have a healthy pregnancy. You should also mentions any family history of illness or complications during pregnancy, as this can help your midwife to provide the care you need.

What tests will I need to have during my pregnancy?

After guaranteeing that your own health conditions won’t impact upon your unborn child, you need to think about tests to check your child’s health. Aside from regular ultrasound scans, you will also need to consider routine tests and screenings such as blood and urine analysis to make sure you’re in top condition. Some women may also need amniocentesis tests to check for the possibility of Down’s Syndrome. Tests for placenta previa may also be necessary.

Will you support me in the birthing style I choose?

Naturally, if you’re expecting a child you’ll have begun to think about the type of birth you want. If you’re keen to give birth at home or considering a water birth, you need to check with your midwife as to whether your clinic supports your decision and will be able to provide the necessary medical support.

Our guest blogger is an ardent health blogger and freelance copywriter from the UK. Currently, she is writing for health career specialists Nuffield Health Careers. Tweet your thoughts on this article to @bloggingstyle.

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