Britons Don't Make Love at Wedding-Night

The survey of British newlyweds found that more than half of them did not have sex on their wedding night.

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The survey polled more than two thousand Britons, who were married no earlier than three years ago. Surprisingly, 52% of the respondents answered that they did not have sex on their wedding night.

24% of the respondents explained their “inglorious night” with the groom’s behavior, who celebrated the wedding so fervently that in the evening he could not fulfill his marital duty. In 13% of cases it was the wife who was overdone with alcohol.

Among other reasons for the refusal to have sex on their wedding night, the interviewed people named drowsiness, the children who needed to be looked after, or the plane which the couples were taking to travel to the honeymoon location. Some of them preferred to continue the celebration with friends, rather than spend the night with the spouse.

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