Chanel Vending Machine Sells Makeup

It was long ago that people started to sell ​​cosmetics through the vending machines. First it was the machine that sold only hygiene products. Then, the manufacturers of makeup and body care products agreed upon using vending machines for sales (Sephora, The Body Shop, and Nivea machines). Now, high fashion brands also have their vending machines.


Chanel sells mascara through its own network of vending machines. It was in September 2012 that the device was first unveiled in the Vogue magazine.

Soon the day will come when one will be able to buy even more exclusive high fashion products without a sales assistant. For example, the British luxury brand Harvey Nichols is already selling handbags through the vending machine network. At the touch of the button, you can view the interior of a handbag on the screen and then make a purchase decision.

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