Robots Might Steal Your Job within the Next 7 Years

Considering the fast pace at which technology has been developing lately, the world is sure to be facing major changes in the foreseeable future. Some of them might affect our careers.

As soon as Artificial Intelligence had been created, it began evolving rapidly, conquering (or encroaching on) many spheres of human life. Being created expressly for that purpose, AI holds strong points in doing useful work. It is so good at it that (at the estimation published in Daily Mail) of the tasks to be performed at workplaces more than 50% can, and will be done by robots within the span of seven years hence. Just think of it!

If we remember I, Robot, the picture drawn there is not very encouraging. Probably the movie doesn’t fall too short of what we are going to have eventually. For a bit of information that can fill us with misgivings, the World Economic Forum issued a report on the development of Artificial Intelligence. It appears that by the year 2022 robots and other AI mechanisms will scratch off about 75 million jobs over the globe. And it is only the beginning!

It isn’t that the World Economic Forum is being unwarrantably panic-stricken. According to the Swiss non-profit, during the same time period robots will cause creation of new jobs numbered 130 million and more. This new state of things is being referred to as a “seismic shift” during which people will have to toil alongside machines – which is probably not so bad; though a lot of people will have to brush up their skills to fit in with the new arrangements.

The introduction of machinery into industries dates back centuries ago, and by now it’s an established and growing phenomenon. Machines and robots keep taking over jobs making humans less and less involved in processes. It practically guarantees further robotic influence on human employment. Whether we really need to be afraid of the snowball remains yet to be seen.

There are so many jobs that rely on human socializing skills for which AI won’t be able to qualify – so sales managers, customer service people and market experts need not fear. Besides, there are professions where humans will always excel given some extra training and revamping, especially of the kind that helps enhance the features unattainable for robots – critical and creative thinking, mastering persuasion, etc.

Speaking of retraining, there is a study from which emerges that with the advent of artificial intellect machines more than half of workforce over the world will require taking additional courses and learning new roles. We are sure than we can outdo robots yet, but it’s beginning to be quite a struggle.


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