These Jeans Pairs Will Make You Look Fat and Your Legs Short

The most versatile part of the wardrobe is not as simple as it seems! We reveal the secrets of jeans, which are important to know. Do not make these mistakes when buying jeans – do not choose them!

With an imperfect waist

An imperfect tummy is at risk. If there are extra pounds on the waist, you should not experiment with the waistline: choose universal, medium fit (when the belt is about a palm below the waist).

Low waistline exposes and draws unnecessary attention to imperfect forms, and jeans on the hips are not at all trendy now.

Fashionable high-waist jeans visually increase the buttocks.

Worn and decorated

Worn jeans are the best assistant for adjusting the figure. Those parts that you want to highlight can be lighter, and those that are better to hide are darker. It is better to have these elements right in the middle of the thigh – they straighten the legs and add the correct volume.

Horizontal folds at the top of jeans are especially dangerous. You can choose them for girls who are more worried about their hips. But if you want to visually reduce the hips, it is better to pay attention to the model without any scuffs and extra details.

Holes, rhinestones, beads and lace are now among anti-trends, and it is better to put jeans with such elements on the higher shelf (or even give them up for processing).

With wrong pockets on the buttocks

This is another tool in the fight for a silhouette of your dreams. Small pockets visually enlarge shapes and make them round. Too large pockets can make the buttocks flat (and often disproportionate).

It is also important how the pockets are located. Everything is simple: if they are wide-set – they widen the hips, while narrow-set pockets make the hips look narrow, the jeans models with such pockets are not suitable for everyone. But you can tone the buttocks with high-set pockets.

Jeans of a different length

It seems that the ideal length of jeans has been the most controversial topic in recent years. Jeans with a 3/4 length can visually shorten the legs, but too long jeans legs will do the same if they fold near the foot.

Flare jeans that are fashionable today will help make your legs look straight, but it’s very important not to tuck such jeans (for example, into boots), but to choose suitable shoes. It is also important for the flare jeans not to be too short.

With a poor quality label

Labels on jeans can tell us about their composition, country of origin and quality: look not only at what is written on them, but also at the color of all the labels. If there are stains on them, it means you should not buy these jeans – they will lose color not only during washing, but also during the most ordinary wear.

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