Good Hair Day’s hair straighteners can be expected to become even more popular with Katy Perry as the face of the latest ad campaign with David LaChapelle as the cameraman. Perry is depicting a sleeping beauty-like character who wakes up – or dreams that she wakes up – in various surroundings that are both glamorous and miraculous.
The costumes and hairstyles are evocative of the times from 1950s to 1970s and vary in color, brightness and dreamlike quality, all of which suit 26-year-old singer after their own peculiar fashion.
Perry is GHD’s official brand ambassador with the British hair care company stepping behind her California Dreams tour as a part of the cooperation.
GDH enjoys the reputation of being leader in hair straighteners, selling tools at prices in the vicinity of $200 and products at $30.
Source of the image: Talkingmakeup.