A Lucky Fan Had Twilight Vampire Charlie Bewley Where She Wanted Him

What a thrill to engage the affection of a Twilight vampire star and feel his extraordinary passion burning into your soul! Unfortunately, many of the Twilight fans will never know it, but their number does diminish.

Charlie Bewley with Fan

On Wednesday a young Italian fan made it less by one, making it with Charlie Bewley, aka the Volturi guard Demitri renowned for his unique tracking abilities. Knowing that he was in Rome for the pleasures of the Rome Film Festival, she tracked the tracker near his hotel and hooked him nice and proper! Onlookers reported that they walked the streets arm in arm all over each other, and when Charlie Demitri went back to his hotel room they didn’t part at the hotel door!

It goes to show that love conquers even stars!

Source of the image: radaronline.com.

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