Michelle Obama Discloses Her Secrets of Staying in Excellent Trim

At her 45 the First Lady of the state has the art of balancing between hearty eating and maintaining a great shape at her fingertips. Talking to the Prevention magazine, she outlined her views on how to keep the wolf of overweight from the door… But not until she confessed her love for French fries, pies, burgers and other table dangers!

Michelle Obama

“I try to have no absolute no’s,” Michelle Obama shares. “And that’s okay. I would be depressed if I felt I could never eat the things that I love.”

And while the White House kitchen holds out a strong temptation, with its ability to furnish large pies in any amounts, Michelle Obama knows where to draw the line. “I had some challenges with that,” she admits, “but I’m balancing out.”

And her balancing procedures begin with an early-morning workouts, starting at 4:30 am. Hers are complicated affairs comprising weight-lifting, stretching, cardio and Pilates fitness program. With a special preference for arm exercises that are Michelle’s favorites.

According to her, she had the best time for that after she turned 40. Her children grown, she got ample time to indulge in working out as she does in pies! And indulge she did, becoming what she terms as a “closet jock”. “There was a period, actually right before the campaign started up, that I was really in tip-top shape,” Michelle remembers with a smile. “I was really there. And then my husband ran for president.”

Moderation is the key word for staying fit, in Michelle’s opinion. And she passes her recipe on to her daughters. The idea is not to have restricting rules, but to make sensible choices. “When my older daughter asks, ‘Can I have pie?’ I’ll say, ‘Did you have it yesterday? Well, what do you think?’ And she’ll come to the conclusion that, ‘You know, you’re right, I shouldn’t eat pie every night.'”

Source of the image: topnews.in.

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