What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Apples Daily?

Apples are a superfood rich in essential substances for health, yet completely accessible and familiar to each of us. How can they affect the body if you eat apples daily?

Powerful recharge with vitamins and minerals

Apples contain vitamin C in a fairly large amount (about 10% of the daily requirement for 100 g of the product) and in smaller quantities – vitamins B1, B5, B6, K1 and PP. The well-known and popular vitamin K2 is synthesized from vitamin K1 in the intestine under the influence of microbiota, which is necessary for the inclusion of calcium in the composition of bone tissue. B vitamins are involved in protein synthesis. Vitamins C and PP contribute to strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the immune function.
Apples contain a lot of potassium, cobalt, copper, in smaller quantities – silicon, manganese, molybdenum and chromium. These are very important elements for health. Potassium is an intracellular ion, it is involved in the transmission of impulses in muscle cells, including in the cells of the heart, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines.

Cobalt is involved in metabolism. Silicon promotes collagen synthesis and bowel function. Copper is a part of a large number of enzymes, it participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and protects the body from free radicals. It is also essential for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.

Manganese plays an important role in the formation of bone matrix and connective tissue, and is involved in metabolism. Molybdenum is part of many enzymes that regulate the metabolism of amino acids and other substances.

Antioxidation of the body

Apples contain a large amount of biologically active phytochemicals: these are polyphenols, plant sterols (phytosterols), triterpenes and organic acids. These components are powerful antioxidants (substances that help protect against inflammation, carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis). Vitamin C in apples is also a powerful antioxidant.

Cancer prevention

Triterpenes, in addition to antioxidant effects, have a high antitumor potential: they are actively studied in oncology as potential prophylactic anticancer agents. In addition, there is evidence of the participation of phytosterols in the prevention of squamous cell skin cancer and cervical cancer.

Apples are also rich in fiber, or dietary fiber. They are soluble and insoluble. Soluble dietary fiber absorbs water and forms a gel that is able to bind various toxic substances, including radioactive, heavy metals, excess sugar, and cholesterol, and remove them from the body.

Apple pectin, along with other biologically active substances in apples, is involved in the prevention of bowel cancer and some other types of cancer (studies have shown that eating more than one apple daily reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by 50%).

Maintaining the beauty and helping with sports

A type of triterpene, such as ursolic acid, which is found in apples, has a significant anabolic effect on skeletal muscle, playing an important role in preventing premature aging and improving the effectiveness of sports exercises.

Phytosterols can accelerate wound healing, improve the capillary circulation, and promote muscle gain. They also keep the skin hydrated, keeping it soft and reducing the risk of skin problems.

Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis, which is essential for healthy skin, hair and bones.

Dental health

Phytosterols also contribute to the healing of oral ulcers and the treatment of periodontitis. Chewing food with the fiber found in apples helps cleanse teeth from plaque and bacteria.

Decreased appetite and sugar cravings

Insoluble dietary fiber found in apples swells in the gastrointestinal tract, forming a food lump, thus promoting a quick feeling of fullness and keeping you from overeating.

Chromium regulates carbohydrate metabolism, stimulating the action of insulin and reducing the need for sweets, which is important for dieting.

Positive effects on the health of the digestive tract and liver

Dietary fiber also stimulates peristalsis and promotes the movement of food through the intestines. They are vital for microflora, performing the function of prebiotics, that is, substances that promote the reproduction of beneficial microbiota.

Polyphenols are the main antioxidant biomolecules of this fruit, showing several other beneficial properties. For example, they have a hepatoprotective effect and suppress fatty liver, which is widespread in modern society due to malnutrition and being overweight.

Polyphenols protect the lining of the stomach and intestines from inflammation, have antibacterial properties, increase insulin sensitivity and help reduce visceral (internal) fat.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Eating 100 to 150 g of whole apples per day is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure, total and bad cholesterol, decreased inflammation, and improved vascular endothelial function.

Prevention of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases

Anthocyanins, found mainly in the peel of apples, play an important role in the prevention of diseases associated with oxidative stress, including neurodegenerative diseases (in particular, dementia).

Reducing the risk of developing diabetes

Due to the presence of high amounts of quercetin, eating apples can reduce the risk of diabetes. It has also been found that phenolic compounds present in apples significantly affect insulin synthesis, blood glucose levels, and through hormones produced in the intestines, reduce glucose absorption. Research has shown that eating apples reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 18%.

Thus, the use of one or more apples a day helps to prevent many diseases, preserve youthful skin, improve bowel function and maintain good mood and well-being.

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