Minor Forgetfulness Means Decreased Memory Capacity

ForgetfulnessHaving some minor memory slips every now and then? They could signal that there is something wrong with your memory capacity. Scientists from Radboud University, the Netherlands, believe that when a person regularly experiences memory slips, such as when one forgets the name of a person they know or forget the location where they are supposed to meet someone, this can be the first symptom of decreased thinking ability.

The Nature of Forgetfulness

The scientists conducted a study where they examined brains of 500 people. As it turned out, short-term forgetfulness is directly related to hippocampus shrinkage, even as little as a about 0,10 inches. Hippocampus is area of the brain which plays one of the key roles in memory. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease often have this brain area affected. The neurologists also noticed that occasional memory slips are associated with a decline in thinking skills.

Forgetfulness and Feeble-mindedness

The participants of the study regularly took special tests designed to determine intellectual abilities. The results of those tests were successful and did not show any loss of neuronal connections or signs of feeble-mindedness. Yet, hippocampus was shrinking over a long period of time.

How to Prevent Mental dysfunctions in the Old Age

Gradually this process had negative effect on memory and mental activities, and thus increased the probability of partial amnesia taking place. Doctors note, once you notice that you are having memory problems, make sure you see a specialist and do some necessary brain scans right away – this way you will prevent any mental dysfunction.

Source of the image: zdr.ru

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